
Nanowires are cylinder shaped structures at the nanoscale designed and constructed using nanoparticle sized materials. Most famously, nanowires are used in the construction and engineering of carbon nanotubes, a material that has shown great promise and scope of application in many fields. Medically, researchers have found that nanotubes and nanowires are useful for creating biochemical and electrical sensors for detecting changes inside the body. As well, nanowires and carbon nanotubes specifically, have also been shown in research trials to work well as added structural support to assist and facilitate the artificial growth of organic bone. This research could one day help lead to the construction of biomaterials for medical transplants and lifesaving procedures. To discover more about how nanowires are made and research into their medical uses, reach out to a nanotechnology company for information on carbon nanotube applications.

The nanowire on its own is a simple a strip of nanoparticle that is engineered to take the shape of a cylinder or wire. Like most nanoparticles and nanostructures, nanowires gain their properties from the ‘quantum effects’ of what happens when material and chemical changes are made on the nanoscale. Nanowires of specific materials have been shown to be strong conductors of electrical currents; this is dependent on the quantum properties of change occurring on the nanoscale level. When used in medical sensors and imaging, it is the conductive properties of the nanowires that allows them to be effective. The nanowire is placed in the body and around specific key areas, and is able to measure the changes and send a signal through the conductivity of the wire to the sensor alerting of any change.

For more information on the different applications of nanowires and their uses in medicine, be sure to reach out to a nanotechnology company. You can discover research into nanowires and medical imaging as well as medical products being made that incorporate nanotechnology.

In addition to use as a structural aide in traditional building materials, nanowires have also been shown to be effective as a supporting material in the process of artificial bone tissue growth. Medical researchers have had success using carbon nanotubes to help bolster and support new bone as it repairs itself and grows back after injury or atrophy. Carbon nanotubes are extremely strong while also docile and used to support the bone tissue and help it maintain its structure while the bone heals. To get the inside scoop about where these new nanowires for bone regeneration can be found, reach out to a nanotechnology company to be put in contact with carbon nanotube manufacturers.